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  1. AoTNZ – Video clip from 2012 — 1 comment
  2. Fiona Pears Celebrates Grappelli — 1 comment

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Martinborough Cartoon

Fiona has been ‘tooned for a Martinborough newspaper. We thought we’d share it with you all… 😛

Feeling review

This excellent review is taken from today’s Christchurch Press. FIONA PEARS – Feeling ★★★★Lyttelton-based violinist/composer Fiona Pears has an extraordinary skill – her ability to take typically rigid musical structures and breathe life and vitality into them until they capture you with pure pleasure. The international soloist and recording artist was working on this album …

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Pizzicato Rumba Music Video

Here’s the brand new music video for Fiona’s tune Pizzicato Rumba. We had a lot of fun filming it, hope you enjoy… !!

AoTNZ – Video clip

We’ve put together a little clip from our Arts on Tour New Zealand concerts which took place last month. You can watch the video by clicking on the play button above… Enjoy! In other news, we’ll be announcing some more live dates in the next few days so be sure to check back soon…