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This CD is a personal record for me with many new compositions inspired by the last several years of my life. The most recent composition I wrote for this CD, Calm after the Storm, was written after the Christchurch earthquakes that devastated so much of our beautiful city and changed so many people’s lives.

On the day of February 22nd 2011, when Christchurch was hit hard by the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that was centred near Lyttelton, we had just finished recording part of this CD and about two minutes before it hit I had put my violin back in it’s case! Ian, (my dear husband and producer), hit the save key on the computer at the exact moment the earthquake started.

2011 has been an emotional and dramatic year to say the least! There has also been so much joy as people join together in our communities and make the most of everything around them. I feel so close to our lovely township of Lyttelton. I would like to make a special mention of the Harbour Light Theatre that was so badly damaged in the February quake that it had to be demolished. I have done every single local CD and DVD release at this theatre and I know it leaves a large gap in many musicians’ lives. On the upside, music and the arts are very much alive and kicking here and I am sure that this will never change!

I hope you enjoy the range of music on this CD. Take note that Mr. Barnaby Jackson is written about our lovely pooch! I wrote it when he was a puppy and I watched him playing and sleeping and chewing everything in sight. I hope you can hear some of this in this tune.

Another one of my most recent compositions that features on this CD is the Theatre Royal Overture. I wrote it to open a big concert we did at this beautiful old theatre in February 2011. Sadly our performance was to be the last one before the earthquake damaged the stunning venue. At least our old girl can be repaired and I look forward to performing there in the future.

All of my compositions have stories. I don’t think I would be able to write if it was not for the stunning people in my life and also the wonderful opportunities I have had to travel to so many interesting places around the world.

A video about the making of Feeling