This CD has made one of my dreams come true! When I was a little girl I used to daydream about recording an orchestra on my own albums… I spent hours lying on the floor in my parent’s lounge listening to many different recordings of my favourite orchestras and musicians. My head would be filled with wonderful melodies and musical images. It fills me with delight that with this album I have fulfilled a childhood dream by recording with the City of Prague Philharmonic. Also the fact that this CD has a great kiwi band on it combined with a top international orchestra is very exciting; it is a dynamic fusion of sounds and talents.
I have had a wonderful time writing these new compositions, I feel they are a mix of all the kinds of music I love. The tunes have stories to tell and I have had a lot of fun using my imagination to create the orchestral parts to fit the musical images I have in my mind. I really hope that you enjoy this CD and get as much pleasure from listening to it as we have had creating it.